I'm very late at doing this and won't be exactly following the rules but I'm very appreciative and feel honored that Posh Nail Art awarded this to me!
The rules are:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new (I fudged on this due to when I was nominated and when I found it etc....they were when this started and are still around some of them....) to blogging.
2. Let them know that you have nominated them.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.
So my 15 nominees are:
Canadian Nail Fanatic
Chalkboard Nails
Dressed Up Digits
Fashion Footing
Fashion Polish
Finger Polish Mania
Girly Bits
Icy Nails
Intense Polish Therapy
Lacquer Buzz
Lucy's Stash
More Nail Polish
My Life in Polish
Nail Polish Wars
The 7 Random Facts About Me:
1. I have traveled to almost all 50 states including Hawaii and Alaska!
2. I graduated high school and earned the HOPE scholarship for my 1st year of College in GA!
3. I have moved 10 times in my life
4. I've had over 30 surgeries/procedures since May 2000
5. December 30, 2013 I was told had I waited 3 more days to come into the Dr., I would have been dead due to both lungs being full of blood clots, 1 clot in my right atrium, and the most dangerous one was a 13cm clot in my lower right abdomen vena cava vein they had to use Thromboletics to break it up and clear it out.
6. I am very lucky! I told my husband to play a number on the roulette table and when he went to play it they closed the bets just as he got there so he was too late... my number was the winner! this happens all the time to me! the numbers just come to me. I also have premonition dreams. they freak me out when I am in the middle of actually going through it.
7. I am a very kind, caring, and giving person to a fault. This runs in y'all's favor! I do giveaways often! Stick around to find out now that I am restarting etc.
Thanks again to Posh Nail Art for the nomination way back in April 3, 2012! I caught it recently when going through to fix broken images etc.